maandag 7 november 2016

Circular Economy Hackathon at the Green Living Lab


The best ideas are yet to be thought of... 

Urban green spots, spaces for new ideas

When given the opportunity and space to expand, we can come up with the most creative, expansive ideas. The Green Living Lab is an urban green spot that aims to give space to new ideas and for people and organisations to come together and explore possibilities for a healthier and happier way of living together in our cities. 

Next Friday the Green Living Lab organizes the Circular Economy Hackathon as part of the Community Compost School programme to invite students, citizens and corporations to share great ideas & together come to even better ideas about sustainable ways of living in our cities.

For this occassion The Green Living Lab has invited some of her partners to share their story with us. 

Circle Economy will present some of the ways corporations have implemented the idea of a circular economy into existing businesses. 
Taste Before You Waste shares their story of how they started and about the way they work to eliminate foodwaste.
Le Compostier talks about setting up Community Compost projects & the local production of compost from urban resources.

Set your mind to work!

Students of EnactusVU will guide the audience in a workshop. In this workshop the participants choose from the many challenges we are faced with in our urban environment and work together in teams to come up with original solutions. 

Want to join? Register your seat at

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